All Lymphoedema Management

This section contains details of lymphoedema management specialists listings from the HSE and private practices. If you have lymphoedema or wish to get some advice on lymphoedema, you should speak with your GP or specialist nurse about what type of professional you need to see. Read more about lymphoedema on the Irish Cancer Society website: About Lymphoedema

Lymphoedema Management in Community Cancer Centres

Lymphoedema management services are available in some Community Cancer Support Centres. The HSE has a list of these centres here: HSE List of Services 

These services may change over time, so it is advised that you contact your local Community Cancer Support Centre directly for the most up-to-date information.

MLD Ireland

Manual Lymph Drainage Ireland is the professional association for Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) professionals in Ireland. MLD Ireland maintains a register of qualified therapists, which can be searched at the following link: Find a Therapist 

Please note that only those therapists listed as a ‘Full Member’ have the ability to practice and treat people with lymphoedema.

Cancer Rehabilitation Ireland, Physiotherapy

The O’Reilly Centre

Sláinte an Chláir, Clare Cancer Support Centre

Lymphoedema Service, St James’s Hospital  

Early Detection Lymphoedema Service, St James’s Hospital 

Specialist Lymphoedema Clinic

Bio-Health Centre

Lymphoedema Service, University Hospital Kerry