About the Exercise and Rehabilitation Services Directory

The Rehabilitation and Exercise Services Directory aims to help you to find rehabilitation services and exercise supports in your local area.

What is the Services Directory?

This Services Directory focus on helping people with and after cancer to become more active, move better and improve their overall wellbeing through activity.

Below, you can get a patient’s experience of finding services and why a services directory is needed.

PERCS Project Manager Louise Brennan discusses the purpose of  the services directory:

The services in the Rehabilitation and Exercise Service Directory are not affiliated with the PERCS project, Trinity St James’s Cancer Institute or the Irish Cancer Society, unless explicitly stated in the service listing. There is no sponsorship between PERCS and these services, and the services have not been formally evaluated by the PERCS team. This directory is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We recommend you consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise programme.

What types of services are included in the directory?

Services listed in this directory focus on physical rehabilitation, physical activity and exercise.

They may be either:

  • Specifically delivered to people with and after cancer
  • Open to all, but also suitable for people with and after cancer.

There are many other types of support that people with and after cancer may require.

Community Cancer Support Centres are excellent sources of support for a wide range of issue.

Patient representative, Kay McKeon, explains how the exercise directory will help people with and after cancer: